I woke up a week or so ago not hungry for meat, at all. As a matter of fact, I thought the sound of it was slightly disgusting. Having no idea where this is stemming from, I’ve decided that for now, at least; I am going to go with it.
Honestly I’ve always said I would not EVER become a vegetarian, I like meat WAY to much. I have a lot of friends who are Vegetarians and Vegans, and although I have respected there choices, I have also always thought they were crazy. Well I guess for now I am insane too.
I am not doing this because of an animal rights group, I firmly believe that we are carnivores whether we eat meat or not, it’s part of being human. So I have no problems with anyone who eats meat. Go for it and enjoy. I however will be joining this group of non-meat eaters for who knows how long, and we will see where it takes me.
My biggest worry is getting my vitamins in. I have now done quite a bit of research into this, and have a list of vegetarian friendly foods with the vitamins vegetarians are notoriously lacking. I have also changed my daily vitamin to one that supports more in those vitamin areas until I can get used to getting said vitamins out of my food by itself. I am an advocate of daily vitamins however so I will probably never stop taking them, but I like my normal vitamins so…
I am not giving up dairy, though I might slowly try more veggie friendly things like veggie cheese. I LOVE cheese, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! But with this, I am going to try and be healthier, and keep losing weight. I have lost 43 pounds as a meat eater, let’s see how being a vegetarian will help. I’m sure my cholesterol will thank me later. I also know I like soy, rice and almond milk’s (chocolate being my favorite.) I am going to endeavor to drink more milk products to bring in more calcium. Although I am fairly positive I have no problem with calcium right now, or in the past for that matter, I should think about my future as well, especially with such a radical change. (Never had any broken bones, my fingernails grow, fast, long and strong etc.)
So if anyone would like to come in with tips, or advice, please post away! But before you do, please remember, If you think I’m crazy, so do I, but I am not going to criticize anything your doing that might not be completely normal, so please don’t judge me negatively. Thank you!